关键词:AT89S52单片机、 16*16点阵、 74HC373锁存器、 74HC154译码器
Abstract: The experiment was conducted by the microcontroller AT89S52, dot matrix 8*8 chips, and 74HC373 latch, 74HC154 decoder composition. Dot lights up the coordinates of the location above the first measure in the development board, as well as to the understand the dot matrix driver circuit, control the display of the LED array of points situation by P0,P2 mouth,P1 port connected to the line 16 decoder control the vector display. First through the digital display, then display Chinese characters.
Key words: AT89S52 microcontroller、 16*16 dot matrix、 74HC373 latch、74HC154 decoder
组合型led点阵显示器以发光二极体为图素,它用高亮度LED晶粒进行阵列组合后,再透过环氧树脂和塑模封装而成。具有高亮度、功耗低、引脚少、视角大、寿命长、耐湿、耐冷热、耐腐蚀等特点。由LED点阵显示器的内部结构可知,器件宜採用动态扫描驱动方式工作,由於LED管芯大多为高亮度型,因此某行或某列的单体 LED驱动电流可选用窄脉冲,但其平均电流应限制在20mA内,多数点阵显示器的单体LED的正向压降约在2V左右,但大亮点∮10的点阵显示器单体 LED的正向压降约为6V。大萤幕显示系统一般是将由多个LED点阵组成的小模组以搭积木的方式组合而成的,每一个小模组都有自己的独立的控制系统,组合在一起后只要引入一个总控制器控制各模组的命令和资料即可,这种方法既简单而且具有易展、易维修的特点。