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  • 更新时间:2013-08-29
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Abstract:Though the design of visual recognition for mercury thermometer to understand and master the theories and methods of computer vision, as well as the Matlab programming.

This topic is based on computer vision theory and obtain temperature images in an automated reading system by Hoffman transformation algorithm whichCalculates per pixel temperature and mercury up to the point. Then achieving visual inspection of this feature by the means of programming this algorithm in the Matlab platform to.Compared with the human eye test results, the results of the design of mercury thermometer visual inspection is smaller and it has higher resolution .Furthermore, it is expected to replace human duplication and reduce the pressure on manual inspection and improve the quality of detection and detection speed of the thermometer. So it has good development prospects.

Keywords: Per pixel;Digital identification; Computer vision; Hoffman transform


目前在我国的工业生产领域, 指针式仪表及数字式仪表被广泛应用于各种设备以及作为独立的仪表。例如,百分表作为一种测量长度、位移的工具,大量用于测量工件几何形状误差及位置误差;水银温度计是工业现场经常使用的一种工作标准器,其定期检定是实现工业现场气体准确计量和增压参数过程的重要手段。然而在对这些仪表进行测量和判定时,现场多采用人眼,具有效率低、速度慢、人眼疲劳失效、消耗时间长、劳动强度大、油烟对检定人员有伤害等不足,难以在精度、效率、自动化程度及安全性等方面满足现代化生产的要求。同时,又由于一些行业标准和一些设备的特殊要求, 在计量校准指针式仪表以及数字式仪表测量时,必须采用非接触式校准与测量,因为加载任何仪表读数取校准结果,都可能导致校准环境不同,从而影响校准与测量精度。