摘 要:电力系统潮流计算是研究电力系统稳态运行的一项基本运算。它根据给定系统的网络结构及运行条件来确定整个系统的运行状态: 主要是各节点电压(幅值和相角) , 网络中功率分布及功率损耗等。对于大电网的潮流计算,目前已有比较完善的软件可使用。《电力系统分析综合程序》(PSASP)是通过给定参数、电网结构、负荷、发电机等电气元件的运行条件进行潮流计算、网损计算、短路计算等计算的软件。本设计主要简要介绍了PSASP的使用方法,然后用PSASP对实际的电网进行分析,以及在潮流计算中出现的问题,比如说在计算中出现潮流不收敛,原始数据不合理,电压偏高或偏低等原因,然后通过一些方法调解,使其潮流能正确计算出来。
关键词:PSASP 潮流 收敛 稳定
ABSTRACT:Power system power flow calculation is the study of power system steady state operation of a basic operation. It according to the given system network structure and running condition to determine the operation state of the whole system: mainly (amplitude and phase Angle), each node voltage, power distribution and power loss in network, etc. For large power flow calculation of power grid, there are fairly perfect software can be used. Comprehensive power system analysis program (PSASP) by a given grid structure, parameters and elements such as generator, load operation condition of power flow calculation, network loss calculation, short circuit calculation and calculation software. The use of PSASP is briefly introduced in this design method, and then using PSASP for actual power grid is analyzed, and the problems in the power flow calculation, such as in the calculation of trend of convergence, the original data is unreasonable, high or low voltage, and then through some method of mediation, the tide can be calculated correctly.