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摘  要:绝缘子是输电线路中的一种特殊绝缘控件。在本文中,首先说明了绝缘子在输电线路中的作用,了解污秽研究对于保证绝缘子在电力线路中正常工作的的重要意义。然后分析了绝缘子表面污秽放电与外界因素间的联系。在理解绝缘子污秽放电机理及过程的基础上,选择用等值盐密来表征绝缘子的污秽度法,最后建立出了基于BP人工神经网络的绝缘子污秽度预测方法,通过与实测数据的对比证明该方法的可行性。论文的研究可以对户外绝缘子的选择提供一定的参考依据并且对绝缘子污秽度预测方法的进一步研究打下基础。

关键词: 绝缘子 污秽度 等值盐密法 人工神经网络


ABSTRACT:Transmission line insulator is a special insulated control. In this paper, first proved the transmission line insulators in the role of research to understand the important role of insulator contamination. Then study analyzed the insulator contamination discharge contact with the various external factors. Insulator Contamination in clear discharge mechanism and characteristics, based on the selection of a method for expressing a degree of insulator contamination, concludes with artificial neural network to predict insulator contamination degree methods, and by comparison with the measured data prove that this method practical lines. Through this research can be the choice for outdoor insulators and provide a basis for further study of prediction methods insulator foundation.

Keywords: Insulator ;Contamination degree ;ESDD; artificial neural network method