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摘要:最近,世界卫生组织呼吁要优先研究超细微的颗粒物尤其是纳米尺度颗粒物的生物机制,不同类型纳米粒子的安全性和毒性在世界范围内引起了广泛的关注,并在Nature和Science等杂志有相关的报道和讨论。在生理条件下,环境和生物体系中铝的主要存在形态可能为纳米氧化物及氢氧化物,在表面反应中,被广泛用于各种有机配体的吸附研究。纳米铝化合物与有机物的作用可以改变胶体粒子的性质,从而影响其吸附有机物的能力,让其成为潜在的环境污染物。然而,还没有文献报道研究烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸 (NADP+)在纳米铝化合物上的吸附,本文利用UV-vis研究腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸 (NADP+)在纳米材料上的吸附,探讨其吸附机理及其对生物有效性的影响。研究了烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸 (NADP+)在纳米AlOOH/H2O的界面吸附,吸附后上清液和配合物分别通过UV-vis进行分析。所有的实验样品中,NADP+浓度为0~6.25mM,pH为3~9,离子强度I为0.01M~2M。实验结果显示,NADP+的吸附量受pH影响较大,pH升高,吸附量迅速下降,在pH为5和7时,吸附的NADP+量最大。而且NADP+的吸附量明显受离子强度的影响,随着离子强度的增大,吸附量骤减。

关键词:纳米铝化合物, NADP+,表面配位


Abstract:Rencently, World-Health Organization call on investigating the biomechanism of the ultrafine particles, especially the nanoparticles. Researchers have paid their attention to safety and toxicity of different kinds of nanoparticles all over the world which have been reported by Science and Nature. The nano-aluminum oxides and hydroxides is probably the real species under the physiological condition in biological and environmental systems and may also exsit in water, soils, plants and animals. They are important model substrates for surface reactions, having been widely used as sorbents in numerous organic ligands sorption studies of importance in geochemistry and soil science. The adsorption of organic molecules on nano-aluminum oxides and hydroxides is generally thought to change the characteristics of colloidal mineral particles and thus can substantially alter the sorption capacity of metal(oxy)hydroxide minerals, making them to be potentially environmental regulators of heavy metal contaminants. However, our understanding of the NADP+ adsorbed on nano-aluminum oxides and hydroxides has never been reported in the available literature. to investigate interactions between nano-aluminum oxides and hydroxides surfaces and NADP+ by providing detailed molecular-level information about the coordination and structure of the adsorbed surface complexes, and to further understand the physiological and biochemical mechanism of nano-aluminum oxides and hydroxides under the physiological condition. In this paper, we investigate interactions between nano-aluminum oxides and hydroxides surfaces using UV-vis. The adsorption of NADP+ on crystallized nano-aluminum oxides boehmite (AlOOH) was investigated using batch adsorption experiments over a range of different NADP+ concentrations (0.05-6.25 mM), pH conditions (3-9) and ionic strength conditions(0.01-2M KCl). The results of the batch adsorption experiments showed that at both pH 5 and 7, nano-AlOOH exhibited great adsorption capacity and the adsorbed amount of NADP+ exhibited a strong dependence on pH. The adsorption was at a maximum at low pH and decreased as pH was increased. 

Key words: nano-aluminum (hydr) oxides, NADP+, nano-aluminum (hydr) oxides/water interface interaction