摘要:CAD即计算机辅助设计(CAD-Computer Aided Design) 利用计算机及其图形设备帮助设计人员进行设计工作。在工程和产品设计中,计算机可以帮助设计人员担负计算、信息存储和制图等工作。本程序是在Visual C++ 6.0平台上用MFC相关的GDI知识实现的一些二维图元,比如圆、正多边形、线段等基本图元对象的绘制。图元的撤销与恢复。另外使用CAD的基本技术如交互技术、图形变换技术等实现图元的编辑、旋转、放大、缩小等功能。通过图层管理功能实现某一图层上图元对象颜色、线型、线宽等特性的设定。本程序支持文档序列化,也支持文件关联。程序还支持位图的保存和读取。各种控件的自绘,如菜单、组合框等。
Abstract:CAD is Computer Aided Design which using computers and graphic devices to help designers to do design work. In engineering and product design, computers can help designers to responsible for computation, information storage and drawing works and so on. This program is in the Visual C++ 6.0 platform using the MFC related GDI knowledge to achieve a number of two-dimension primitive such as circle, regular polygon, line and other basic drawing primitive objects. Undo and restore primitive objects. Another use CAD fundamental technology such as interactive technology, graphic transform technology to achieve primitive objects' editing, rotate, zoom and other functions. Layers management function makes primitive object of a layer whose color, line type, line width and other attributes to be set. This program supports document serialization, also supports file association. This program supports saving or reading bitmaps. A variety of controls are custom-drawn such as menu, combo boxes and so on.
Keywords: Interactive, Draw, Tool,Serialize,Custom draw