关键词 医药系统;B/S模式;JSP;My SQL
Abstract:With the popularization and development of the computer, more and more industries are using the computer to process the information. People deal with information through manual records, then manually query to process information, this method is not suited to the development of the present era, the process is cumbersome and less efficient, easy for some people malpractice able to escape. Therefore, it is imperative need to design a simple and practical medical management system.
Essen medical management system is based on the online shopping application software, through the system can learn of the publicly available goods, to purchase the goods they need. Including inquiries drugs, buy drugs, orders and processes shopping convenient features.
The system uses B / S mode.Administrators can management of medicines in the background, orders and membership information. The actual research projects can not only enhance students' project analysis and design and development of the comprehensive capacity, and for Essen pharmaceutical companies to provide good management platform to provide convenient diameter, in order to improve the efficiency of pharmaceutical sales.
Keywords Medical System B / S mode JSP My SQL