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  • 更新时间:2013-11-01
  • 论文字数:11302
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  • 课题来源:(邻座的怪同学)提供原创文章





ABSTRACT:The study is a workshop process design that it is an annual output of 30000 tons of sulfuric acid and smelting gas of the section, I draw the process flow diagram,and then draw the X-T balance curve and the optimum temperature curve, and estimate for the operation of the four transformation process line,according to the composition of the gas imported raw materials, balance curve and the optimum temperature curve and catalyst light-off temperature, operating temperature. If the difference between the set value and practical calculating value is too big, need to reset operation curve to calculation by using trial and error method,until the design value and the calculated value are similar. The main contents of the design is: product introduction, selection of production method, the design of methods and process flow,the summary of paper(including purification craft, transformation craft, absorption craft),and calculation of process design, process design and model selection of the main equipment(The main equipment converter divided into four layers, with a total height of 13.1 meters height and a diameter of 3.8 m, and the thickness of the catalyst layers were 0.884 m, 0.711 m, 1.255 mand 0.753 m), workshop layout (Outdoor design,and the span of 153 meters and width of 37m)and design drawings. Completing the design of process specifications, which means I will complete curriculum design manual.

Key words: the optimum temperature;catalyst;light-off temperature;the material balance calculations;heat balance calculations


   我国冶炼烟气中SO2浓度大多在3%~13%之间,甚至更低,而环境要求在逐渐升高,因此,冶炼烟气制酸是我国冶金发展的必然要求。我国冶炼烟气制酸工业伴随着有色冶金工业的成长而发展,现已形成了相当的规模,装置设计及建设水平有了长足的进步,装备水平与国外先进水平的差距日渐缩小。随着我国有色金属产能的稳步提高,冶炼烟气制酸得到较快的发展,特别是近年来,有色金属的发展呈稳步上升态势,特别是大型企业在节能挖潜的基础上积极提高产能,因此烟气制酸的规模也在不断扩大。烟气制酸占我国硫酸总产量的比例已由原来的20%左右提高到现在的22%, 2010年,其产量已增加到12000kt。未来还将有更大发展空间[3]。
