本文首先提出了本课题的研究背景及意义,介绍了基于IEEE802.15.4的ZigBee技术的发展概况及其应用现状,然后详细介绍了CC2530芯片,随后简单介绍了基于CC2530芯片的物品助寻器的架构设计,然后以CC2530射频单片机为基础设计了无线助寻器硬件,手持端按键无线控制寻物端,使寻物端发出警报并点亮LED灯。其中分别实现了射频模块电路、按键模块电路和报警模块电路。最后通过IAR Embedded Workbench完成程序编写、调试等工作,完成了基于Zigbee技术的节点互联和数据传输等问题并实现了寻物提醒功能。
Abstract:With the rapid development of information and communication technology, wireless technology has become a significant part of daily life. Its application has also made a large progress. People now live a fast-paced life. Sometimes to find something missing bothers them very much. This study aims to solve this problem with the application of wireless technology.
This dissertation mainly discusses the design and implementation of a wireless search device based on Zigbee technology, a kind of device designed with micro-controller unit and radio frequency chip CC2530 as the core. At first, the dissertation describes the development of Zigbee wireless technology. Then it explains the hardware and software design of this device. At last, it discusses the system test for the device.
This dissertation expounds the background and the meaning of this study.Then it introduces the development and application of ZigBee based on IEEE802.15.4.It also introduces CC2530 in detail. Then it briefly introduces the architecture of searching device designed by CC2530, and then designs an assistanr searching device based on RF technology and scm technology.People can take this device to control the other devices to make a sound and light a LED.In this study,we design the circuits of RF、keys and warning.At last we Write a program on IAR Embedded Workbench and test it.Then the assistanr searching device based on low-rate wireless personal area network be finished
Keywords wireless communication search device Zigbee