关键词 AT89S51单片机;红外对管脉搏传感器;LCD1602;LM358双运放
Abstract:Heart disease is one of the main threat to human health, the heart disease mortality is still high. Therefore, the prevention of heart disease is particularly important. Normal person’s chest with a beating heart, and measureing heart rate must be associated with the heart, then the heart bear is in the form of the pulse.
Comprehensive information of pulse wave in the form of shown, strength, speed and rhythm, and so on, reflect the flow characteristic of many physiological diseases of human heart in the system to a great extent. Pulse sensor samples pulse signal, and then outputs square wave. MCU each receives a pulse waveform, the system counts once. When pulse frequency overruns, the buzzer alarms.
In the project, the ECG signal acquisition system based on AT89S51 microcontroller, has the advantages of reliable performance, accurate measurement, simple operation, so it has a certain practicality for everyday family.
Keywords AT89S51 mircrocontroller Infrared tube pulse sensor LCD1602 LM358