关键词:液压电梯 电液比例技术 速度控制 结构设计
Abstract:Hydraulic elevator is the elevator driven by hydraulic pressure, the hydraulic power source (hydraulic pump) the hydraulic oil into the hydraulic cylinder, the piston moves upward, directly or indirectly, in the car, the car up. Falling car general by gravity to make the oil hydraulic cylinder return tank.
Hydraulic elevator is the integrated use of mechanical, electronic, hydraulic integration. Hydraulic elevator in the process of working with electro-hydraulic proportional valve control can realize stepless speed regulation, passengers will feel smooth, quiet, comfortable in riding time.
This paper adopts a straight top single-action telescopic hydraulic cylinder as the power component, design the structure of single-acting telescopic hydraulic cylinder. Shrinkage and back through the out of control the telescopic hydraulic cylinder, rise to control the elevator car and down. In addition, in order to meet the elevator up and down of acceleration and deceleration speed change, this paper adopts the electro-hydraulic proportional technique, the electro-hydraulic proportional valve to realize the rise and fall of the elevator car speed control, and the performance of electro-hydraulic proportional valve for simulation analysis, the electro-hydraulic proportional technology could be used for speed control of hydraulic elevator.
Keywords:hydraulic elevator;The electro-hydraulic proportional technology;speed control speed control;Structure design
3.本课题完成了对电液比例阀特性的仿真分析。通过对液压电梯系统各项参数的计算和系统传递函数的确定,以及使用MAT LAB软件仿真分析电液比例控制系统SIMULINK仿真模型,从而确定了电液比例控制系统的各项系数和性能。从中得出了电液比例速度控制系统响应的快速性、稳定性和准确性。对液压电梯速度控制系统进行了进一步优化和提高,以满足系统所需要的复杂的速度变化特性。