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   a) 客户端网游:可以是由J2ME、Symbian、WindowsMobile、Mophun等语言开发,用户需要下载游戏客户端,登录客户端以后进行联网游戏。  



关键词:servlet技术; Apache服务器; java; 手机网路游戏


Abstract:The mobile phone network through the GPRS network and gaming network server or other clients in the course of interactive games. It is based on the Internet as the transmission medium, the sustainability of individual game operators server and the user's computer for processing terminals, entertainment, leisure, communication and access to virtual achievements to the game client software is aimed at information exchange window multiplayer online games.

   Mobile phone network game based on the presence of the client can be divided into:

   a) the client online: J2ME, Symbian, WindowsMobile, Mophun language development, users need to download the game client login client networking game.

   b) Non-client online: WAP games, users need to download the client application of the WAP page and direct link games, WAP games have a similar client online games users online interactive features.

    This paper discusses the method of the servlet technology mobile network games (network gobang), including the resolution of the data transfer methods in the mobile phone game synchronized methods and network environment.

Key words:Servlet technology; Apache Server; java; Mobile network games


程序包含客户端Cursor.java Omok.java OmokBorad.java OmokCanvas.java serverConnector.java五个java文件和OmokServer.java服务器端文件。Cursor.java的主要作用对棋子的设置,包括棋子的位置和形状大小等。Omok.java为客户端程序的入口,还包括对按键的设置等。OmokBorad.java文件包括下棋的方法,对胜负和的判定等功能。OmokCanvas.java文件继承了Canvas画布类,它包括了对游戏模式的设置,游戏状态的设置,按键的设置等。serverConnector.java文件负责客户端的程序和服务器端的通信等。OmokServlet文件在服务器端,负责对客户端的响应等任务。