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   过去,Linux主要被用作服务器的操作系统,但因它的廉价、灵活性及Unix背景使得它很合适作更广泛的应用。传统上有以Linux为基础的“LAMP(Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python的组合)”经典技术组合,提供了包括操作系统、数据库、网站服务器、动态网页的一整套网站架设支持。而面向更大规模级别的领域中,如数据库中的Oracle、DB2、PostgreSQL,以及用于Apache的Tomcat JSP等都已经在Linux上有了很好的应用样本。除了已在开发者群体中广泛流行,它亦是现时提供网站供应商最常使用的平台

关键字:服务器; Linux;  稳定; 功能强大; 可定制性高; 低廉性


Abstract:Linux basic ideas two : first, all documents ; second, each of the software with a definite purpose. the first detailed it is a system of all boil down to a file, including the command, hardware and software, equipment and operating systems and processes to the kernel, and operating system is deemed to have their own property or types of files. as for the unix and linux is based on a large extent is because the two basic ideas is very similar. 

  The past, linux mainly be used as a server operating system, but because it's cheap, flexible and make it fit for unix background for more extensive application. traditionally is based on linux the lamp ( linux, apache and mysql, perl wheel python ) "a combination of classics technology provides including operating systems and databases and web server and dynamic pages of web site. and between support for the larger the field level, As the oracle database, db2, postgresql, apache and for all the tomcat jsp in the linux the application of a good specimen. in addition to the developer community has been in widespread, it also provides web supplier is currently the most frequently used platform

Keywords : server, linux, stable, powerful functions, can be customized high and low.