关键词:USB; GL850A; CH340T; PL2303
Abstract:This design is going to do a conversion and to extend the functionality of USBHUB hub.It differs from the usual a simple USB consists of a hub extending from four to seven USB interface, but by the USB extension and USB to serial composition, and more widely use.The hardware circuit design is based in part on the main chip GL850A extended out of four ports respectively: USB1, USB2 and by two different chips (SCH340T, PL2303) mode conversion in two RS2303 serial.Design of hardware circuit after the purchase of components, welding circuit board and debugging
Key words:USB; GL850A; CH340T; PL2303
由于集线器为计算机主机与外围设备的中继站,以目前USB外围设备在市场上的普及率,以及外围设备普及种类来看,USB集线器的市场需求已大幅成长。GL850A可使用在独立型集线器、笔记本基座或者与其它USB装置组合成USB复合集线器等不同的应用领域,不但能简化配线的方式,也协助使用者易于管理,更能达到扩充效能的目的。 由于USB2.0集线器设备在信号间的传输变换以及对于主机和外接设备间的前后兼容性非常重要,其设计复杂性大幅增加。本设计部分基于主芯片GL850A扩展出四个端口分别为:USB1,USB2和通过两种不同芯片(SCH340T,PL232)方式转换的两个RS232串口。购买元件,焊接线路板,调试。