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摘  要:移动学习是继E-learning后出现的一种新的学习模式,是教育领域的一个新型视角,因其学习方式灵活、便捷以及实现了随时、随地的学习而日益受到人们的关注。有著名学者曾经说过:当每个人都买得起铅笔时,学习方式将会随之改变。同样,当每个人都拥有一台具有便携、廉价、通信和交互,且具有强大情境感知能力的移动学习设备时(One to One,一对一),我们的学习就会发生变革。那么,移动学习逐渐的被列为远程教育行列是大势所趋。高校作为移动学习的主阵地,移动学习进入大学生的学习生活是一种必然,同时,也必将成为大学生学习的有效补充。


关键词: M-learning ;手机学习 ;学习模式 ;手机学习方式


ABSTRACT:Mobile learning is the E-learning after the emergence of a new learning pattern, is a new perspective in the field of education, because of its flexible learning mode, convenient and achieved at any time, anywhere in the world to learn and get increasingly the attention of people. A famous scholar once said: when everyone can afford to buy a pencil, learning styles will change. Similarly, when everyone has a portable, inexpensive, communication and interaction, and has a powerful Context-Aware Mobile Learning Devices ( One to One ), we study will change. Then, the mobile learning gradually being classified as distance education is to represent the general trend. Colleges and universities as the main position of mobile learning, mobile learning of college students learning life is a kind of inevitable, at the same time; it will become the college students to learn effectively.

    Below set out from the angle of M-learning, their own characteristics based on mobile learning, mobile phone makes learning to explore, find the problem existing among them, which of the current university students mobile learning situation analysis, find out the problems in its application, and further put forward the strategy and methods. On this basis, the paper tries to put forward relevant mobile learning extension programmers, for the near future smoothly mobile learning and lay a solid foundation.

Keywords: Mobile learning,Phones learning, Learning model,The style of mobile phones learning