关键词 给水;消防;排水;喷淋
Abstract:The design for the Suzhou Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau Building Water and Drainage Design. Including building water supply systems, construction of drainage systems, building fire protection systems, building hot water system design.
The building east and south of the city beside the road, there is a municipal water mains water can do for a building, diameter of DN300, perennial owned water head of 24 m and 20 m from the floor, the top tube depth 1.5 m. Stormwater drainage system which also includes system design, fire protection systems, including fire hydrant systems and automatic sprinkler system. Building water supply system of the building is divided into three zones, the lower zone is to rely on the municipal pipe network pressure direct water supply, the area and the upper zone to the pump tank water supply, which uses variable frequency pump water. Sewage and waste water drainage system merging systems, sewage and wastewater into the septic tank treatment, construction drainage bottom riser will be individually set to a septic tank effluent discharge. Gravity drainage systems using semi-pressurized flow system. Fire water supply system in the fire hydrant system uses two jets of water at the same time to arrive. Automatic sprinkler system in offices, corridors and rooms furnished. The interior volume of fire water fire water, water sprinkler system and outdoor fire water combined. Hot water system for the building near a heat source gauge pressure of 0.20MPa steam heat. Semi-displacement type water heater heater. Water pipe using three polypropylene tube (PP-R) pipes, drainage pipes using PVC pipe (UPVC), fire pipe use steel pipe, hot water pipe use cross-linked polyethylene (PEX).
Keywords Water supply fire fighting system drainage sprinkler system