摘要:富源县是云南省连接内地的东大门,跟贵州接壤,全县包括8个镇和3个乡。境内有曲胜高速及南昆铁路。临近21 3、320、324、326国道,具备滇、黔、桂物流枢纽的功能。富源县以丰富的资源而得名,素有“八宝之乡”的美称。特别的煤炭,有储量大、煤种齐全、品质优良、易开采等优点。富源县是我国江南最大的无烟煤田,煤炭行业是富源县经济发展的支柱产业之一。因此对富源县煤炭产业进行分析,提出相关的建议,对于富源县煤炭产业的可持续发展具有重要的意义。
关键词: 煤炭;SWOT分析;4Ps理论;策略
Abstract:Bordering Guizhou Province, Fu Yuan County was called the “Eastern Gateway of Yunnan Province." It consists of eight towns and three villages. With Qu Sheng highway, 213National Highway, 320National Highway, 324National Highway, 326 National Highway and Nanning-Kunming railway across it, the county possesses superior traffic geographic advantages and it exerts profound logistics hub functions connecting Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi provinces during the years. It gets its name from rich resource especially the coal and has always enjoyed the reputation of being a “The Land of Eight Treasures”. When it comes to the coal industry, the region are abound in coal reserves, generating full range of coal products with high quality as well as easy to mine. Fuyuan County as the largest fields of anthracite coal in southern China,The coal industry has been the major revenue; it is manifest that analyzing the coal industry and offering recommendations for Fuyuan County has an important significance for the regional sustainable development.
In terms of conducting coal industry analysis swot analysis were employed as well as marketing strategies were ascertained with the assistance of 4Ps theory. In regarding to the coal industry analysis, swot model has illustrated the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the business. In comparison to the swot model, 4ps theory ascertains the pricing strategy, the product strategy, the promotion and channel strategy to open the coal Marketing. In a word, by applying swot analysis the industry situation and trend were learnt;by applying 4ps theory, the best solutions were suggested. As an essential component of our national economy, the successes of coal industry benefit the entire national economy. With the assistance of such a reasonable marketing strategies, Fuyuan coal industry will unquestionably create enormous profits for the local community .This is the purpose of the paper.
Key words: coal; SWOT analysis; 4Ps theory; strategy