摘要:近年来, 国家采取了一系列支农、惠农措施刺激农民消费, 但效果并不明显。究其原因, 农村消费环境欠佳, 是农村市场难以启动的重要根源。因此,本研究主要探讨关于现有的专家和学者对我国农村消费环境的研究内容,通过分析我国农村消费环境的现状,发现我国农村消费环境所存在的问题,进而提出相应的措施来改善农村消费环境,期冀推动社会主义新农村的建设。
关键词:消费环境 基础设施 社会保障
Abstract:In recent years, the government has adopted a series of agriculture-policy to stimulate rural consumption, but the effect is not obvious. The main reason for hard to open the rural-market is the poor rural consumption environment. This study investigates through the comprehensive analysis and interpretation of research of experts and scholars on China's rural consumption environment, to appropriate measures to improve the consumption environment in rural areas, hoping to promote a new socialist countryside-building.
Keywords: Consumption Environment; Infrastructure; Social Security