摘要:本文根据相关文献资料了解到冷链物流发展的必要性,通过对宁夏地区果蔬冷链物流所面临的外部环境和内部条件进行 SWOT 分析, 发现宁夏地区物流虽然有其不足之处但同时拥有广阔的发展空间, 必须立足自身果蔬物流特点建立多种保障措施来促进宁夏地区冷链物流业的发展,提高质量的服务,促进当地经济发展。
关键词: 宁夏地区 果蔬冷链物流 SWOT 分析 策略研究
Abstract: Understand the need for cold chain logistics development in accordance with the relevant literature, the SWOT analysis by theexternal environment and internal conditions faced by the Ningxia region of fruits and vegetables cold chain logistics, logistics ofNingxia region has its inadequacies, but also has an extensivespace for development, must be based on thecharacteristics of their own fruits and vegetables logistics tocreate a variety of safeguards to promote the development ofcold chain logistics industry of Ningxia region, to improve thequality of services, promote local economic development.
Keywords: Ningxia region Fruit and Vegetable Cold Chain Logistics SWOT analysis Strategy Research
随着宁夏设施果蔬种植规模的不断扩大, 50%以上的露地果蔬都要外销。但由于宁夏果蔬冷链物流体系建设缓慢,严重制约了果蔬的大量收购和长途运输。建议宁夏加快果蔬果蔬冷链物流体系建设,从政策、资金等方面给予大力支持。应大力扶持宁夏果蔬贮藏保鲜业发展,重点加大对预冷冷藏库和冷藏运输设备建设的投入,为宁夏回族自治区果蔬产品进入远地市场创造必要的基础条件,加强果蔬冷链物流信息化的建设和引进培养果蔬冷链物流专业技术人才,相信宁夏地区果蔬物流将取得长足发展。