摘要:高新技术产业 区域经济 投入产出 浙江 本文根据浙江省2007年高新技术产业投入产出表的数据,计算了直接消耗系数、完全消耗系数、影响力系数、感应度系数、中间投入率和中间需求率,得出以下结论:第一,浙江省高新技术产品生产服务的提供对第二产业的直接依存程度最高,自身次之,第三产业也占有较大的比重,第一产业直接依存程度很低;第二,浙江省高新技术业每增加一个单位最终需求对第二产业的拉动作用最大,其次是自身,第三产业的拉动作用也较大,而对农业的拉动作用最小;第三,浙江省第二产业对高新技术产业的需求最大,其次是第三产业,第一产业的需求最小;第四,浙江省高新产业对国民经济的推动作用最大,其次是第二产业,第一产业与第二产业对国民经济的推动作用最弱;第五,浙江省高新技术产业属于中间产品型产业。同时本文根据结论对浙江省继续发展高新技术产业提出了对策。
关键词:高新技术产业 区域经济 投入产出 浙江
Abstract:According to the high-tech industry of zhejiang province in 2007 input-output table data, calculated the direct consumption coefficients, complete consumption coefficient , influence coefficient captains, induction degree coefficient, middle input rate and middle demand rate, the following conclusions: first, zhejiang high-tech products provide production services for the second industry highest degree of direct interdependent, and itself, the third industry also followed greater importance, the first industry directly dependent degree was low; Second, zhejiang saves company of new and high technology industry each unit increase for the second industry final demand role in boosting the largest, followed by itself, the third industry pull role for agriculture is larger also, and role in boosting the minimum; Third, zhejiang second industry of high-tech industry needs the biggest, followed the third industry, the first industry needs the minimum; Fourth, zhejiang high-tech industry on national economic role is the second largest, secondly, the first industry and the second industry of the national economy industry on the weakest role; Fifth, zhejiang high-tech industry is an Intermediate Product industry. Based on the conclusions of the paper to zhejiang to continue the development of high-tech industry are proposed.
Keywords:High-tech industry regional economic input-output Zhejiang