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摘 要:物联网(Internet of Things)是继计算机和互联网之后信息产业发展的第三次高潮。随着信息科学技术的进步,从计算机的信息处理到互联网的信息传输再到物联网的人与人、人与物及物与物之间的“可视化”,这一技术进步对经济社会发展和人们的日常工作生活起到了十分便捷的作用,作为“智慧型产业”代表的物联网产业实现了虚拟空间与物理空间的有效结合,推动了科技、经济、社会的快速发展。物联网产业化发展已日益成为了考量一个国家和地区综合综合竞争力的重要评判指标。无锡物联网的发展在全国处于领先地位,也在世界物联网的发展中占有一席之地。本文针对无锡物联网的产业化发展,以技术研发、产品制造、市场应用等方面为主要研究对象,结合无锡物联网产业化发展环境、政策等大背景,充分分析无锡物联网产业化发展的优劣势,就无锡未来物联网产业化发展进行系统分析研究,有针对性地提出无锡物联网产业化发展的对策与建议,以期望为政府、行业等发展物联网产业进行决策提供有益的科学、前瞻性参考依据。



ABSTRACT:IOT(Internet of Things ) is the third climax after the computer and the Internet information industry.With the development of science and technology, information processing from the computer improve to Internet,then transfer to the IOT,which among human and human,human and  things ,things and things. This technology contribute to economic and social development and people's daily work life.As a “Smart Industry” represents the networking industry to achieve to combine the virtual space and the physical space, and make a rapid development of social.IOT industrial development become an important evaluation index of a nation and regional.Wuxi IOT is in a leading position in China, and plays an important role in world. This paper will focus on Wuxi IOT industrial include technology research, manufacturing, marketing and other aspects of application. Take consideration of Wuxi industrial policy, and Analysis of the advantages and disadvantanges of industrial development. Having a systems analysis on Wuxi IOT future development and give some countermeasures and suggestions. In order to provide   government with useful reference of decision-making.

Keywords : The Internet of Things;Industrialization;Wuxi