关键词:外汇储备 回归模型 利弊 政策建议
ABSTRCT:How much foreign exchange reserves, to some extent reflect a country’s ability to cope with the international balance of payments, related to a country’s currency exchange rate stability and maintenance. In recent years, with the continuous of China's opening up, China's foreign exchange reserve showed rapid growth. The country’s exchange reserves increased both the inevitable result of economic strength, but also the healthy development of China’s economy has an important role in safeguarding. But at the same time, huge foreign exchange reserves also implies risk, excessive foreign exchange reserve can have negative consequences for the economic development of the country. Therefore, this paper on China's foreign exchange reserves data for analysis, understand the status of China's foreign exchange reserves, of which there may be a problem, to make relevant policy recommendations.
Keywords: foreign exchange reserves;regression models;the pros and cons;policy recommendations