摘 要:随着我国改革开放程度的逐步加深,我国外贸经济的比重在整个国民经济中越来越大。而在实际的国际商品贸易过程中,FOB和CIF是最常用的两种贸易术语,这两种贸易术语下的贸易摩擦和风险事故屡见不鲜,因而十分有必要对这两种贸易术语在国际贸易术语解释通则下的风险防范进行分析和研究。
ABSTRACT:As China's reform and opening deepening,the proportion of foreign trade in our national economy becomes more and more important.In the practice of international trade, FOB and CIF are the two most commonly used trade terms in the process of international trade.And many trade frictions and accidents happened under these two kinds of trade terms.So the risk aversion research for these two kinds of trade terms is very necessary.
This paper will firstly introduce international rules for the interpretation of international trade,and then compare the two version of Incoterms to show the difference between them in tabular form.Step by step,I will analyze the new changes and risks of FOB and CIF in the new Incoterms.Finally,I will find out the risks of FOB and CIF in risk&cost point,port selection,credit review and settlement.And then put forward some effective risk aversion steps as follows:
FOB:insurance for land transit;carry out a strict review of the buyer and freight forwarding company credit;decrease connection of cargo risk;attach great importance to the settlement of letters of credit.
CIF:understand trade terms deeply,perform the contract fully;strengthen the cost control consciousness and awareness of exchange rate risk;strict investigation and management of the credit of the buyer;strengthen the contract management to prevent careless work.
Keywords: 《Incoterms®2010》; FOB; CIF; New changes; Risk aversion