深圳联防队员强暴妇女事件,原本只是一宗普通的刑事案件,但由于犯罪嫌疑人特殊身份(联防队员)和媒体报道的失误,引发了强烈的社会舆论。一些媒体记者除了象征性地使用化名外,不但公布了受害者的住址,还不经同意就跑到受害者家中,提出各种难堪的问题。一些媒体在报道中直接责问受害人,在没有弄清事实真相就随便报道,媒体如此缺乏责任和人文关怀的行为使得受害人痛不欲生,对受害者造成了严重的“二次伤害”。 在网络盛行的今天,媒体“二次伤害”事件层出不穷,这些事件无论对社会大众、当事人还是媒体自身都造成不同程度的影响,为此分析媒体“二次伤害”产生的原因,进而而寻找消除媒体“二次伤害”的对策具有很强的现实意义。
关键词: 二次伤害; 影响; 原因;对策
Shenzhen joint defense force raped women, was just an ordinary criminal case, because of the special status of criminal suspects and media reports of errors, triggering a strong public opinion. Some reporters outside in addition to the symbolic use of a pseudonym, not only published the address of the victim, but also run victims and searching all kinds of difficult problems by did not speak understood Some of the media in reporting on victims directly ask people who do not know the truth, and the media reported on just such a lack of responsibility and some of the media in reporting on just such a lack of responsibility and humane care of painful, and caused seriously twice injured event often happened, These events cannot be on the public, the parties also influence is the media it self can cause varying degrees of impact. Through the analysis of media two injury causes, thus eliminating the media two harm counter measure has the very strong practical significance.
Keywords: Twice injured; influence; reason; countermeasure