关键词:蒙克 呐喊 情感 释放 表现主义
Abstract:Expressionism painting is an important chapter in modern art history.As an expressionist painter ,Munch devoted his life to the performance of human emotions,by means of artistic creation with a unique artistic language,which shows the deep emotion of the human heart. Munch concerned with the expressive representation of emotions..his works deal with diseasesdeath and venereal love . from "The Sick Child" to "Scream" and his other series of works, we can clearly see the Changes in artistic style and emotional release,and This thesis will analyse it through his painting "Scream"which has a profound historic significance to modern art and a good understanding of the spiritual content of expressionism painting.
Key words: Munch screaming .emotion release expressionism
作为德国表现主义先驱,爱德华蒙克一生的艺术创作都遵循着: 我要描绘那些在存、在感受、在痛苦、在恋爱的活生生的人们。疾病、死亡、性爱、忿恨、嫉妒是蒙克的绘画主题,他的生命即是他的艺术。他将自己郁积于心的思想——对生存的不安、对疾病与死亡的恐惧、对爱情的渴望与迷恋、对人的憎恨与嫉妒心理的洞察全部通过绘画表现出来。通过画面强烈的情绪化色彩和扭曲的形象以及画家濒临崩溃的情感宣泄,造成观众强烈的视觉冲击和心灵感应。他关注生命,体验心灵,他的艺术焕发出永恒的生命力。