【摘要】 课堂教学活动是在一定秩序的安排下有序进行的。但是课堂教学中的许多因素又是复杂多变的,因此,教师应变语在课堂中起着无可替代的作用。然而许多教师却忽视了应变语的重要作用。在课堂教学中出现了小题大做,喧宾夺主的现象。针对这些现象,我们认为,教师首先应转变传统的师生观,树立新型的师生关系;其次还要善于观察并进行课后总结反思等,只有这样才能更好地展示语文课堂教学艺术的魅力,提高教学效率,创造和谐融洽的师生关系。
【关键词】 小学语文课堂;应变语;作用
【Abstract】 Class teaching activities in a certain order is under the arrangement orderly. But many of the factors of classroom teaching and the complex, therefore, teachers in the classroom strain language plays an irreplaceable role. But with the passage of time, many teachers but neglects the important role of strain language. In classroom teaching, lack of education appeared to make a mountain out of a molehill significance of phenomenon. According to these situation, first should change the traditional teachers and students view, to establish new-type teacher-student relationship; Even next observant and reflection on lesson summary, only such ability to better show the charm of Chinese teaching art, improve teaching efficiency and create harmonious teacher-student atmosphere.
【Key words】 Primary school language class; Strain language; role