[摘 要]表扬行为是表扬者对被表扬者的已实施行为或思想观念的一种肯定性形式的评议。本论文以研究者实习所在幼儿园中班的主班老师(G老师)的各种表扬行为为观察对象,基于已有研究资料将其进行分类,从“表扬”行为背后的“无批评”现象这一视角入手,通过对G教师的访谈与表扬行为的观察记录、对该班幼儿进行访谈,剖析整理出教师“表扬”行为的频次、背景以及被“表扬”后幼儿的反应并分析该教师“表扬”行为的成因。在此分析的基础上,针对幼儿园中教师的“表扬”行为存在的问题提出一系列正确进行“表扬”行为的建议与策略。
[关键词] 表扬;表扬行为;策略
[Abstract] The recognition of behavior is a council of teachers of young children to make an affirmative act or ideas in the form. This paper is rely on the praise behavior that a kindergarten intermediate class teacher (Mrs.G) makes, and the kindergarten is where the researcher practice. The researcher classified the praise behavior on the basis of the existing research data. Started at the phenomenon of no criticism behind the praise behavior, though the interview with Mrs.G and students as well as the observation and record of the teacher's praise, the author sort out the frequency and background of praise, the baby's reaction is also included. After this, the author analyzed the origin of each praise and problem still existed. On the basis of the analysis result, the researcher give out a series of advises and strategies on how a kindergarten teacher makes a proper praise and avoid potential problem.
[key words] praise; praise behavior; strategy