Abstract:Many researchers have studied the functions of Schema Theory on English reading. Nevertheless, most of their studies focus on all English learners instead of targeting on the different grades. Therefore, this study attempts to analyze the function of Schema theory on reading of TEM4 in order to improve students' reading ability.
My research on the reading of TEM4 was guided by Schema Theory, which has even been studied by Piaget, Carrel,and Barrlett. Combining with the guidance of Schema Theory to improve the reading of TEM4, this paper focuses on the function of Schema Theory on the reading of TEM4 through the analysis and discussion of the results of the experiment I intend to provide experiment and achieve the purpose of improving reading ability in TEM4.
Key words: English reading; Schema Theory; improvement; background knowledge
本选题综合了Piaget,Carrel 及Bartlett等人有关于图式理论对阅读作用的分析,开展对大学英语专业学生阅读指导研究,并结合图式理论指导从而达到提高英语专业四级阅读目的,围绕图式理论对英语专业四级阅读指导作用而展开的,通过对实验结果分析和讨论,为提高英语专业四级阅读提供积累背景知识,语言能力等有价值的建议。