Abstract: John Steinbeck, a famous American novelist of the 20th century, won the Nobel Prize in 1962. His masterpiece The Grapes of Wratth was published in 1939. This novel mainly expresses many of John Steinbeck’s thoughts and praises the great people, especially great women, of America. It calls on the American women to fight for equal rights. This thesis, on the basis of feminism, aims at analyzing the women’s rights in The Grapes of Wrath to understand the feminism reflected in the novel. The two women in the novel are discussed to analyze the feminism reflected in the aspect of family, marriage and society in details, and also both the internal and external causes of the appearance of feminism are to be analyzed. The whole thesis is to be done to point out the importance of John Steinbeck’s spirit of feminism.
Key Words: The Grapes of Wratth; Feminism; Equality; Rebellion
摘要: 约翰·斯坦贝克是二十世纪美国著名的小说家,1962年获得诺贝尔文学奖。 他的代表作---《愤怒的葡萄》于1939年发表。小说主要表现了斯坦贝克的理念和思想,赞扬了伟大的劳动人民,特别是女性,并呼吁广大女性站起来为自己争取平等权利。此篇论文旨在运用女性主义的理论来分析愤怒的葡萄中的女性权利问题,最终达到了解小说中体现出的女性主义思想。论文主要通过对小说的两个女主人公的深入分析来叙述女性主义思想在妇女的家庭地位,婚姻地位以及社会地位上的体现,同时介绍小说中的女性主义出现的原因,包括外在和内在原因。文章意在分析约翰·斯坦贝克的女性主义思想的重要性。