Abstract:The research on Hong Lou Meng has a long history which occupies a significant position in the field of Chinese culture and even the world culture as well. The Chinese scholar Yang Hsien-yi and his wife Glays Yang’s version A Dream of Red Mansions and David Hawkes’ s version The Story of the Stone are two notable versions among several Hong Lou Meng translations, and there are many differences between them. This paper tries to use intertextuality theory to study and analyze the language used in the two versions of Hong Lou Meng and reveal the practice and significance of intertextuality through comparison of different translations, the purpose of which is to help us better our translating skills.
Key words: Hong Lou Meng translation intertextuality
摘要:红楼梦研究历史悠久,对中国文化乃至世界文化的影响举足轻重。其众多译本中,由中国知名学者杨宪益及其夫人戴乃迭合译的A Dream of Red Mansions即《红楼梦>》和David Hawkes霍克斯翻译的The Story of the Stone即《石头记》是影响深远的两部完整的译本。这两种译本在许多方面都有不同.本文就《红楼梦》的两个不同翻译版本,同时运用翻译研究的互文性视角,对《红楼梦》中的语言现象进行分析研究,浅谈互文性理论在文学中翻译的影响和价值,从而更好地指导我们完成翻译实践。
关键词:红楼梦 译本 互文性视角