Abstract:An active and harmonious atmosphere and rational authority of the teachers and their good rapport with the students have a great influence on promoting students’ learning ability. The paper narrates that efficient classroom management can be achieved when three conditions are met. First, teachers need to play various roles on the basis of mutual cooperation and thus create a harmonious atmosphere for learning. The teacher plays such vital roles as: organizer, controller, assessor, prompter, participant, resource provider, and instructor. While the teacher plays his or her roles in a language classroom, their roles should be separated equally. Second, teachers should treat students’ errors appropriately. They should look at mistakes as part of the learning process. Mistakes give information, feedback and support related to the students’ learning. Third, undisciplined acts should be dealt with in a proper way so that learning can be more effective. This paper surveyed these three conditions of English classroom management in Grade Seven of En Le Middle School. Ultimately, the author surveyed teachers’ roles’ separation, teachers’ attitudes on students’ errors, and teachers’ reaction towards students’ undisciplined acts by questionnaire and observation.
Key Words: English; classroom management; Grade seven
摘要:愉快、和谐的课堂气氛,良好的师生关系和理性的教师权威,有助于学生英语的学习。本文阐述了以下的三个条件能达到行之有效的课堂管理。首先,教师扮演恰当的角色为英语学习者创造一个和谐的环境。教师作为教学的组织者, 掌控者, 评估者, 提升者, 参与者,资源提供者以及引导者在课堂教学中的作用不可言喻。教师进行角色分配的同时, 应当适当地进行分配。其次,教师应当适当地处理学生的错误。教师应当把学生的错误看作是一种学习过程,错误传递信息、反馈以及鼓励学生学习。第三,为了有效的学习,应以正确的方式处理课堂不良行为。本文根据这三个条件对恩乐中学七年级英语课堂管理做了调查。作者通过问卷调查和观察法调查教师角色分配,教师对学生错误的态度,以及教师对学生课堂不良行为的态度。
关键词: 英语;课堂组织;七年级