Abstract: The essence of artistic conception lies in creation of poetic atmosphere. It is a product of the harmonious mixture of the poet’s subjective feeling and objective situation. So the conveyance of artistic conception is very important in the process of translating Chinese poetry into English. Through a comparison between the two translated versions of Yu LinLing, which was written by Liu Yong, a well known poet in Song dynasty, this thesis proposes three effective methods of conveying the artistic conception: namely, expression of amorous feelings and ideas; reproduction of images; stimulation of imagination. Only when these methods are adopted will the translator enable the readers to appreciate the aesthetic emotion fully, and derive pleasure from the artistic poetry.
Key words: English translation of Chinese poetry, the conveyance of artistic conception, Yu LinLing
摘 要:意境就是创造诗歌的环境,是诗人的主观情思与客观情景相互交融而创造出来的浑然一体的艺术境界。所以在汉诗英译的过程中,意境的传达尤为重要。本文通过对《雨霖铃》的两种译文对比,提出了意境传达的三种有效方式:传情达意,挖掘意象,激发联想,从而使译诗读者充分领略原诗的审美情趣,获得艺术上的享受。