Abstract:Great Expectations is Bildungsroman, which shows the process of Pip’s growth and vividly reveals his desire for decent life, and shows the various factors of affecting the development of Pip’s personality. At last, after disillusioning, his nature returned back. Pip's characters were well reflected in his life, and his personality and life experience were closely related. On the one hand, personality influences his life, and on the other hand, he gradually became mature in his life. After experiencing a moral and spiritual reflection, Pip rebirthed, and ran to the new life with his beloved woman. Novel combines individual life and social criticism, and reveals the ugly of 19th-century British capitalism society, and also reveals that the capitalist ruthlessly exploited the working people. Pip had undergone different life stages and he went back to country. At last, he formed new thinking of life and the world.
Key words: Great Expectations; bildungsronman; growth; capitalism
1. Introduction1
2. Literature Review.1
3. Bildungsroman2
3.1 Definition of Bildungsroman2
3.2 Bildungsroman and Great Expectations.3
4. Process of Pip’s Growth4
4.1 Pip’s Life in Country 4
4.2 Pip’s Life in London.6
5. Cultural Significance of Pip’s Growth8
5.1 Capitalism and Culture11
5.2 Pip’s Self-discovery and Introspection.11
6. Conclusion.12
Works Cited.14