Abstract:Vocabulary is one of the three elements of a language. What' more, language acquisition begins with vocabulary. It plays an important part in language study. In this thesis, it is argued that learning English vocabulary makes great contribution to the development of grammar, listening, speaking, reading and writing.Meanwhile, vocabulary teaching process has been profoundly affecting students’vacabulary acquisition. In English teaching, especially in junior schools, only if vocabulary is centered and emphasized, the problem of "time-consuming and poorly-efficient" English teaching will be solved because qualified learning of the vocabulary of students absolutely wipe off the biggest obstacle-vocabulary. The more vocabulary students acquire at primary stage of English study, the more easily and faster students develop other aspects of English study in future years. This way, it is easier for teachers to conduct classroom instructions and provide more and better opportunities if students reach the level of vocabulary.
This article is going to research and analyse the vocabulary’s impacts on the aspects of listening,speaking,reading,and writing as a pointcut to figure out the significance of vocabulary acquisition. According to the research on the vocabulary learning process among different levels of students, it will come to a natural conclusion about the application of students’ vocabulary acquisition strategies and the relative implement of teachers’teaching process. On such a basis, it will,on one hand, study on how to learn vocabulary efficiently in terms of students and on the other hand, as far as teachers how to conduct effective instruction. In addition, it will combine both approaches to meet the objective of improving the students’ English learning standard and ability.
Keywords: Vocabulary; Vocabulary acquisition strategy; Vocabulary teaching process; English instruction
Chapter 1 Introduction-1
1.1 The Importance of English Vocabulary Learning-1
1.2 The Importance of English Vocabulary Learning Strategies-1
1.3 The Layout of the Thesis-2
Chapter 2 Literature Review on Vocabulary Learning Strategies-3
2.1 Definitions of Vocabulary Learning Strategies-3
2.2 Classification of Vocabulary Learning Strategies-3
Chapter 3 Research on Relationship Between Students’ Vocabulary Strategies and Impact on Learning Skills-5
3.1 Purpose-5
3.2 Subjects-5
3.3 Procedure-5
3.4 Questionnaire-5
Chapter 4 Results and analysis-7
4.1 The Results on Learning Strategies-7
4.2 The Analysis on Frequency of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Use-7
4.2.1 Strategies used at meta-cognitive level-7
4.2.2 Strategies used at cognitive level-8
4.2.3 Strategies use at social level-9
4.3 The Results on Strategies Used Between Well-evaluated and Poorly-evaluated Students in English Studies-9
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Suggestions-11
5.1 Develop Meta-Cognitive Strategies-11
5.1.1 Making plans to learn the words-11
5.1.2 Self-evaluating the effectiveness of vocabulary learning strategies-11
5.2 Develop Cognitive Strategies-11
5.2.1 Training guessing strategy-11
5.2.2 Teaching the effective use of dictionaries-12
5.2.3 Taking notes in class-12
5.2.4 Promoting memorization strategies-12
5.3 Adopt Other Strategies-12