Abstract: With the globalization of the world economy, people can buy foreign products in their own country. As a result, there are many foreign products advertisements in the mass media. However, a variety of the ideological, cultural and traditional differences can lead to cultural conflicts and misunderstandings. This paper firstly collects a few typical American and Chinese beer advertisements, then analyze their differences from the cultural perspective and summarize the features and cultural values of the two nations’ advertisements. Finally, it suggests Chinese advertisements learn from American ones and offer some advertising strategies for Chinese advertisements.
Key words: beer advertisement, values,America,China
1. Introduction1
2.Advertisement and Culture Values..1
2.1 Theories of Advertisement
2.1.1 Definition of Advertisement
2.1.2 Components of Advertisement
2.1.3 Purpose of Advertisement
2.2 Culture Values
3. Specific Beer Advertisements in China and America..4
3.1 Samples of Chinese Beer advertisements
3.1.1 Snow Beer
3.1.2 Harbin Beer
3.1.3 Sedrin Beer
3.2 Samples of American Beer advertisements
3.2.1 Miller Beer
3.2.2 Blue Ribbon Beer
3.3 Common Beer Advertisements
3.3.1 Chinese Qingdao Beer Advertisement
3.3.2 American Budweiser Beer Advertisement
4.Contrastive Analyses of Chinese and American Advertisement 8
4.1 Chinese and American’s Attitudes Towards Advertisement
4.2 Culture Values Reflected by Advertisement of Two cultures
4.3 Features of Chinese Beer Advertisements
4.4 Features of American Beer Advertisements