Abstract: The inaugural address delivered by John F. Kennedy has impressed everyone and it was appreciated as one of the best inaugural addresses among all American presidents’ assuming office lectures.
The analysis of this paper mainly focuses on the pragmatic meaning of modal verbs Kennedy’s Inaugural Address which is frequently used by English speakers as well as in this address. The author of this thesis aims to study different meanings of a peculiar modal verb — can, will and must — in different context from the perspective of pragmatics, and to uncover the internal connection between these meanings. By analyzing their pragmatic meanings, it can help the readers better understand American presidential inaugural address, and develop language skills of the public speaking learners, including the abilities of reading and writing . Therefore, a pragmatic study of modal verbs is significant.
Key words: Kennedy’s Inaugural Address, modal verbs,pragmatic meaning
1. Literature review 1
2. Pragmatic meaning and modal verbs .2
2.1 Basic theory of pragmatic meaning 2
2.2 Pragmatic meaning of modal verbs 3
3. Pragmatic meaning of modal verbs in Kennedy’s Inaugural Address . .4
3.1 Pragmatic meaning of modal verbs CAN in Kennedy’s Inaugural Address .4
3.2 Pragmatic meaning of modal verbs WILL in Kennedy’s Inaugural Address .6
3.3 Pragmatic meaning of modal verbs MUST in Kennedy’s Inaugural Address 7
4. Conclusion .7
Bibliography 8