摘 要:配合物是化合物中较大的一个子类别,广泛应用于日常生活、工业生产及生命科学中。而非线性光学作为光学学科中的一门崭新的分支学科,短短40年间在基本原理、新型材料的研究,新效应的发现和应用方面都得到了巨大的发展。近年来,有关金属有机配合物的非线性光学性质的研究更是广泛受到人们的关注。本文针对配合物的非线性光学性质。重点是金属有机配合物的发展及前景。
关键词:金属有机配合物 非线性光学 非线性光学材料
Abstract: Composition is a fairly large subcategory of the chemical compound; it is widely used in daily life, industrial production and life science. Nonlinear optical, a nova branch in the nonlinear optical field, achieved tremendous progress in the aspect of basic principles, study of new types of material, discovery of new effects and application in just 40 short years. Recently, studies relating to the NLO organ metallic complexes have been widely taken notice. This dissertation mainly focuses on properties of NLO compositions and the summarization the application of NLO properties of organ metallic complexes in optical technology and its development prospect.
Keywords: organ metallic complexes nonlinear optical nonlinear optical materials