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摘要:本课题是在汽车产业快速发展的背景下提出的,详细介绍了故障诊断仪在现代汽 车维修中的应用。

   故障诊断仪是与汽车电子控制系统进行直接交流的测试仪器。故障检测仪通过诊 断插头与汽车正确连接后,维修人员便可利用它监测汽车电脑控制模块的工作,就可 以很方便地知道汽车各系统的工作情况,准确判断故障的所在,为快速地排除故障提 供了强大的技术保障。因此许多汽车制造厂都推出汽车故障诊断仪,大大提高了汽车 维修行业的维修效率。

   本文先阐述故障诊断仪的产生和发展,引出故障诊断仪在检修现代汽车中的重要 性。而后对故障诊断仪的基本结构和工作原理作了介绍,讲述故障诊断仪检测车辆的 特点和具有的基本检测功能。通过对故障诊断仪功能的展开,包括读取和清除故障码、 数据流、示波器、元件动态测试和维修编程等功能的论述,并加以举例,体现故障诊 断仪在现代汽车维修中的应用。最后,提出笔者在维修汽车过程中使用故障诊断仪的 技巧与心得。



Abstract:This documentation is developed under the background of fast development in automobile industry, which introduced the application of breakdown diagnostic equipment in the modern automobile service.

   Fault  diagnostic  tester  is  a  direct  testing  equipment  connecting  to  automotive electronic control systems. When the fault diagnostic tester and the car is correctly connected through the diagnostic plug, maintenance engineer can monitor the work of the control  module  in  the  automotive  computer,  which  can  easily  reflect  the  failures  in different systems. It provides a powerful technical support to car diagnostic test. Therefore, many car manufacturers have introduced car fault diagnostic apparatus, which greatly improved the efficiency of the maintenance vehicle maintenance industry.

   By introducing the emergence and development of fault diagnostic apparatus, this article focus on the structure and working principle of the apparentus, including the basic detection characteristics of the vehicle fault diagnostic tester. Through introduction to the fault   diagnostic   function,   for   example,   read   and   clear   fault   codes,   data   stream, oscilloscopes, component testing and maintenance of dynamic programming and other functions of the discourse, the article reflects the application of failure diagnostic apparatus in the modern automobile maintenance. Finally, the author brings out his skills and experience during the maintenance of vehicle fault diagnostic at the end of the article.

Keywords: fault diagnostic tester, fault code, data flow, waveform