摘要:目前中国的汽车市场已经发展成熟,汽车产业也不断壮大,但传统的产品、价 格竞争己经很难奏效,中国汽车制造商的分销渠道竞争力水平整体较弱,这其中包 括经销商竞争力的薄弱,这些问题在入世关税保护期限结束后已经成为制约中国汽 车产业发展的瓶颈。
因此,本文在对国内外汽车分销渠道现状和理论研究的基础上,分析了国内汽 车经销商的发展趋势和存在的困境,并提出竞争力提升实践方面的不足和理论研究 上的缺乏,从而引出了本文研究的关键命题,如何系统地有效地评价并提升汽车经 销商的竞争力。
本文基于汽车经销商的能力和忠诚度两大模块,构建了汽车经销商竞争力的评 价体系,并在构建模型的基础上选取了上海大众汽车有限公司的经销商评估数据作 为数据样本运用到体系中进行实证分析,对部分经销商竞争力进行了实证评价,为 经销商对自身的竞争力的认知提供了参照。同时本文在竞争力评价体系的基础上, 提出了提升汽车经销商竞争力的策略,为汽车经销商提升渠道竞争力提供了策略参 考。
文章最后概括了汽车经销商竞争力提升评价体系和竞争力提升策略的研究结 论和实践意义,并提出了未来的研究展望,希望能为中国汽车经销商竞争力的进一 步提升做出贡献。
Abstract:At present, China's auto market has matured and the automotive industry is also growing, but the competition in the automotive industry is also intensifying. The marketing channels in Chinese car manufacturers show no advantage, including the dealers. All these factors have resulted in a bottleneck development of Chinese automobile industry after the end of the tariff protection period in WTO.
Therefore, based on the analysis of both the domestic and foreign automotive distribution channels in the current situation, this article aims to analyze the development trend of domestic car dealers and the existing difficulties, and to find ways to evaluate and improve the competitiveness of auto dealers systematically and effectively.
Based on the capacity and loyalty, this article constructs a competitive evaluation system for auto dealers. We select the evaluation data of Shanghai Volkswagen Automotive Company for the purpose of doing this research, thus providing a reference for the dealers to have a better understanding of their capacities. In addition, we also provide a reference for them to improve their channel competitiveness by analyzing the system of competitive evaluation.
At the end, the article summarizes the research findings and the practical significance of improving the system of competitive evaluation as well as the competitive strategies. We also look forward to the research in the future and hope that our research can contribute to the further development of auto sales channels in China.
Key words: automobile distribution channels, Dealers, competitive, evaluation system, upgrading strategy