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摘要:我国的汽车工业起步于上世纪 50 年代,经过 50 余年的发展,已经取得了巨大 成就,到 2009 年底,汽车产销量超 1360 万辆,居世界第一,汽车制造业也已成为 我国国民经济的支柱产业之一。

   我国己是汽车大国,但离汽车强国还有相当大的差距。这主要表现在自主品牌 的弱势地位和自主研发能力薄弱。在市场竞争日趋激烈的今天,如何缩小自主品牌 与国外品牌的差距,成为我国由汽车大国向汽车强国转变的关键问题。

   本文在查阅大量国内外学者的相关研究成果,在广泛调查研究的基础上,运用 企业战略管理、品牌学的相关理论,通过定性、定量和比较分析等方法,简要界定 了自主品牌和民族汽车工业的概念,并分析了三者间的区别和联系,在查阅大量资 料的基础上,分析了国外汽车产业及企业自主品牌发展状况,得到一些启示,必须 走自主发展的道路,树立民族汽车品牌。详细研究了我国汽车自主品牌发展的四个 阶段当中的特点、问题以及表现,利用 SWOT 分析了我国汽车自主品牌发展所具备 的优、劣势及外部机会、威胁等。实证分析了奇瑞汽车自主品牌的发展历程,并对 于我国汽车自主品牌发展战略及对策措施,提出了若干粗浅的建议。



Abstract:Our country, automobile industry has been started in the 1950's, it has been through repeatedly for more than 50 years development, the automobile industry has obtained the huge achievement. At the end of 2009, our country automobile volume of production and marketing surpassed 13.6 million, was situated the first in the world. It has become one of our country national economy pillar industries.

   We are already a big automobile industry country, but it have considerable gap between Chinese and others automobile industry. This is mainly manifested in the weak position  of  independent  brands  and  independent  R  &  D  capability.  Today,  in  the increasing competition market, how to reduce the gap between their own brands and foreign brands, become the key problem on turning our country by motor vehicles to motor vehicle Powers.

   The paper in consult a lot of domestic and foreign scholars in this domain correlation research foundation, utilizes enterprise strategy management, brand study correlation theories, through qualitative, quota and comparative analysis, defines the independent brand and the concept of national automobile industry, has system atically analyzed the foreign automobile industry and development of self-owned brands. A detailed study of the development of China's automobile brand among the four stages of characteristics, and performance, analyzed the strength, weakness and external opportunities and threats of our country self-owned brands. The empirical analysis of the independent brand Chery automobile development and putting forward some shallow ideas about China's self-owned automobile brand development strategies and countermeasures.

Keywords:Automobile, the self-owned brands, developmental strategy