摘 要:随着建筑节能技术的发展和节能要求的不断提高,现代建筑设计理念已由结构、功能一体化材料,向各功能分别实现其自身功能的材料方向发展。作为现代建筑保温隔热的重要环节,保温材料的性能将影响整个保温隔热系统乃至整个围护结构的保温隔热性、适用性、耐久性甚至安全性。而导热系数作为保温材料的主要性能参数之一,其准确测定则显得尤为重要。本文主要介绍了保温材料的种类,导热系数测定研究的国内外背景,保温材料的测定方法,通过实验测定方法获得了聚氨酯、挤塑板、橡塑泡沫,珍珠岩等保温材料的导热系数,对实验获得数据进行对比分析,相关保温材料的性能总结及展望。
关键字:保温材料 导热系数 平板导热仪 实验
Abstract:With the development of building energy-saving technologies and increasing energy requirements of modern building design has structural, functional integration of materials, to each function to achieve its own functions, respectively, the material direction. As modern architecture an important part of thermal insulation, thermal insulation properties of the materials will affect the whole insulation system and the whole structure of the insulation envelope, applicability, durability or safety. The thermal conductivity of insulation material as the main performance parameters, and its accurate determination is very important. This paper describes the types of insulation materials, insulation materials, measurement methods, experimental determination was obtained through the polyurethane, extruded sheet, rubber foam insulation materials, thermal conductivity, the experimental data obtained were analyzed, a summary of insulation materials and Prospect.
In this study, SEI-3-type steady state thermal properties analyzer experimental device to study the material situation of one-dimensional unsteady heat conduction, the determination of the instrument is quasi-steady state method, during the experiment to ensure that materials meet the test requirements, test After the impact of error and uncertainty to the analysis and the various materials were compared.
Key words: Insulation material Thermal conductivity Plate thermal onductivity of measuring instruments Experimentation