摘 要:本设计是设计年产100万吨炼钢生铁。在设计中采用了1108m3的高炉1座,不设渣口,2个出铁口,采用矩形出铁场。送风系统采用四座新日铁式外燃式热风炉,煤气处理系统采用重力除尘器、文氏管和电除尘。渣铁处理系统采用拉萨法水淬渣(RASA)处理,特殊情况采用干渣生产,上料系统采用皮带上料机,保证高炉的不间断供料。
ABSTRACT:The assignment is the design of the 1.0 million tons annual production capacity of steel-making pig iron. Used in the design of the two 1108m3 blast furnace, no set up Jardine , two taphole, the use of rectangular field of iron. Blast system 4 Nippon external combustion hot stove, Dust catcher system using gravity precipitators, venturi tube and electrostatic precipitator. Tapping system method of water quenching residue Lhasa (RASA) to deal with special circumstances dry slag production, the charging system is used in feed belt to ensure uninterrupted blast furnace charge.
In the design, first of all made a material balance, heat balance, and calculation of furnace design, as well as the choice of equipment; the design of the application of a number of advanced technology, these processes in the implementation of large pulverized coal injection technology to enhance heat transfer efficiency, energy saving, to improve productivity played an important role. In the design, the broad absorption of previous technological innovations and the results of scientific research at home and abroad. According to the actual needs and possibilities, as far as possible the use of advanced equipment, advanced structure, advanced materials and so on. Achieve technically advanced and economically rational, but also reduce environmental pollution.
The overall layout of the form of workshop-style Peninsula.
Key words: blast furnace, material balance, heat balance, peninsula