摘要:锡渣主要来源于炼锡的还原熔炼阶段。我国工厂通常把富渣直接送入烟化炉处理,能使弃渣中的含锡量降到 0.1%以下。所以如若不对锡渣进行回收处理,不仅造成污染、损失有价金属,还会产生额外废渣处理费用。本论文将以处理反射炉锡熔渣为例,设计一个年处理量能够达到2000吨的烟化炉。其生产原理为:在放射炉产出的锡熔渣的基础上配入一定量的粉煤、硫精矿、熔剂,通过烟化炉吹炼后锡等有价金属进入烟尘,再通过对烟尘的处理即可回收锡熔渣中的锡等有价金属。此生产工艺具有可利用熔融渣的热量、余热可回收利用、金属回收率较高、生产率高、操作简便、可用劣质煤或天然气作燃料等优势。
关键词: 锡渣;烟化炉;车间设计
ABSTRACT:Tin slag comes mainly from the Lianxi reduction smelting stage. Our factory usually rich slag directly into the fuming furnace processing, can make the amount of tin slag of below 0.1%. So if no tin slag recycling, not only cause pollution, loss of valuable metal, will generate additional waste disposal costs. This paper will deal with reverberatory furnace tin slag as an example, to design an annual handling capacity can reach 2000 tons of fuming furnace. The production principle is: adding a certain amount based on tin slag radiation furnace output of pulverized coal, sulfur concentrate, flux, by fuming furnace blowing after tin and other valuable metals into the dust, the dust can be recycled tin slag of valuable metals such as tin. This process is the molten slag heat, recyclable waste heat, high metal recovery rate, high productivity, simple operation, use inferior coal or natural gas as fuel and other advantages.
The final purpose of this paper is the comprehensive use of the knowledge, through the process of selection and demonstration analysis, metallurgical process, metallurgical calculation, the main equipment design, plant layout design, drawing and other processes to complete one can achieve the annual processing capacity of 20000 tons of tin slag fuming furnace and the requirements of the production workshop design theory and design drawings.
Keywords:tin dross;fuming furnace;plant design