针对年龄35-55 的中年女性,提出了“甜蜜蜜、爱浓浓”的品牌形象,将品牌价值定位为“青春自信的生活追求、甜蜜温馨的生活体味和来自大自然的关爱。”同时正对主要目标消费群体,将金蜂枣花蜂蜜、金蜂蜂蜜柚子茶和金蜂玫瑰酱作为主打产品,产品的功能定位为:美容养颜、活血通脉。
在品牌传播策略方面,围绕着“甜蜜蜜、爱浓浓”的主题展开广告创意,根据主要传播对象的媒体接触习惯,选择徐州电视台文艺影视频道的《电视剧》栏目、徐州广播电台《整点新闻》栏目、彭城视窗、户外媒体进行广告投放,策划了“母亲节感恩回馈”“ 三八妇女节爱自己”“ 七夕甜蜜”系列活动,以加强企业与消费者沟通与联系,美化品牌形象。
关键词 蜂蜜;品牌定位;营销;传播
Abstract:The marketing plan customer is Xuzhou Golden Honey body corporate, Main content is popularizing golden honey industry brand in Xuzhou.
Through market research and market analysis, found that Golden Bee in Xuzhou market marketing promotion brand awareness is not high, and the lack of its own unique brand positioning and market sales proportion is not high. The planning objectives of the program is shaping the brand image of the Golden Bee Honey and Golden Bee honey brand awareness and reputation, improve the market share of the Golden Bee honey in Xuzhou market, increase product sales, Golden Bee honey Xuzhou market consumers to choose the top three health care brand.
For the 35-55 age middle-aged women, "sweet love thick" brand positioning, brand value at the same time for the youth self-confident pursuit of life, the warm sweet savor of life and from the love of nature. "The main target consumer groups, we will gold bee Jujube flower honey, golden bee honey citron tea the Golden Bee Rose sauce as the main products, the product features defined as: beauty, promoting blood circulation.
Around the "sweet love thick themes in brand communication strategy, creative, media habits of the main mode of transmission of the object, select of Xuzhou Television Arts Television Channel" TV series ", Xuzhou Radio whole point of news," Peng Cheng window, outdoor media advertising, planning a" Mother's Day Thanksgiving back "" Women's Day "Tanabata sweet promotional activities" series of activities to strengthen the communication and contact of businesses and consumers, to beautify the brand image.
Keywords honey brand positioning marketing dissemination