摘要:“人才高消费”是指企业过分依照学历选择人才的一种情况,在许多地区用人单位对人才的要求普遍提高,企业竞相聘用高学历、高技能的劳动者,但劳动者的就业岗位与其受教育程度或技能水平不相匹配,出现了大材小用的现象。本课题将结合具体实例从人力资源管理角度分析 “人才高消费”现象的成因,针对原因提出如何合理配置人力资源,逐步确立与市场经济相配套的新机制,确保人才市场向着合理有序的方向运作,充分发掘我国人力资源的潜力,这对提升我国在国际社会的竞争力有着不容忽视的作用。从这个意义上讲,人力资源的合理配置关乎劳动者的发展与提升、关乎企业的生存与持续发展、关乎我国人力资本的未来,并将随着社会经济的发展而发展。
Abstract: The " excessive consumption of professionals " is the situation that enterprises who choose professionals excessively according to their education. In many areas, many employers raise the requirement to professionals which leads enterprises all try to employ highly educated and skilled labour, but the position of labour is not equivalent to their educated level or skill capacity. Therefore, waste of talent on a petty job exists.This topic is going to analysis the reason for the existing situation of "excessive consumption of professionals" from the point of human resource management with case study. In this way, it is going to put forward that how to allocate human resource, gradually establish a new regime to match with market economy in order to make sure that the personnel market being operated under reasonable way. To excavate the potential of human resource in our nation which allows no negligence for improving the competitive power of our nation in global society. In this point of view, reasonable and proper allocation of human resource influence the development and improvement of labour, the survival and sustainable development of enterprises and the future of our nation's human resource capital. And also, it develops with the development of society economy.
Key words: Human Resource Management;Talents; Excessive Consumption of Professionals;Recruitment