摘要:2011年5月至11月对南京晓庄学院杨树林3个样地的蛾类资源进行调查。共收集蛾类 1249 只,隶属于 13 科、 62 属、69种。应用Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、均匀度、优势度、丰富度、相似性系数等分析了南京晓庄学院地区不同季节蛾类的多样性。随着时间的变化,各月份蛾类组成及数量差异较大,数量为9月>5月>10月> 11月,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、均匀度、优势度、丰富度均为9月>5月>10月> 11月。对监测点的蛾类多样性研究发现,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、均匀度、丰富度均为C点>B点>A点,而优势度为A点=B点<C点,相似性系数为BC点>AB点>AC点。
结果表明: 季节性变化明显、植物群落及生态环境的差异是导致蛾类群落结构差别的主要因素。南京晓庄学院地区蛾类种群动态有明显的时序变化, 这种变化在很大程度上与季节性的温度变化有关。
关键词:蛾类; 多样性;季节;杨树林;群落
Abstract:On May to November2011 we have investigated moths in three samples of poplars in Nanjing Xiaozhuang college. The results indicated that a total of 1249 mothswere collected, belonged to 13families, 62 genera, and 69 species. Application Shannon-Wiener diversity and evenness index, dominance index, specific richness and coefficient of similarity such as the nanjing xiaozhuang college season are different in the moth diversity. As the change of time, each month moth composition and the difference in the number, number for September > May > October >November, Shannon-Wiener diversity and evenness index, dominance index, specific richness was September > May >October >November. The moth diversity of monitoring stations, the study found Shannon-Wiener diversity index, evenness index and specific richness was C > B > >A point, However the evenness index showed point A= point B <C point, the similarity analysis was BC point > AC point >AB point.
The results show that seasona changed significantly. The differences of moth community structureweremainly resulted from the differences plantcommunity structures and ecological environment in Yangshulin.They affected the moth community structure and dynamics . Moth population dynamics in NanJing Xiaozhuang college had visible timing changes , which might be related to the seasonal temperat- ure changes.Key words:The moths, Diversity , Season, Poplar grove, community