[摘 要] 本研究采用亲密关系经历量表(ECR)和交往焦虑量表(IAS),考察了311名高等职业技术学院大学生的成人依恋类型和社交焦虑的现状及其关系。结果表明: ⑴高职生总体依恋质量不高,测量得到的四种依恋类型比例为:恐惧型57.2%,冷漠型25.4%,专注型9.3%,安全型8%。⑵高职生成人依恋类型在焦虑维度存在年级差异,三年级焦虑维度得分显著高于一年级和二年级。⑶高职生成人依恋在恋爱状态上存在显著差异,没有恋爱经历的高职学生在回避维度上的得分显著地高于有恋爱经历的高职生。⑷高职生社交焦虑水平在性别、城乡、独身-非独生上不存在显著差异。⑸高职生依恋回避维度、焦虑维度与社交焦虑水平存在显著正相关,不同依恋类型的高职生在社交焦虑水平上得分存在显著差异。
[关键词] 高职生;成人依恋;社交焦虑
[Abstract] This study aims to investigate 311 higher vocational college students’ adult attachment style, the social anxiety level and their relationship by means of the Experiences in Close Relationship (ECR) and the Interaction Anxiousness Scale (IAS). It concludes: ⑴The attachment quality of higher vocational college students is not good. Fearful style shared highest rate 57.2%, dismissing, preoccupied and secure style each shared 25.4%, 9.3%, 8%. ⑵The higher vocational college student’ adult attachment styles in the anxiety dimension exist grade differences, of which the grade3 is significant higher than the grade1 and grade2.⑶The scores of attachment avoidance of the students who have had no romantic experiences were higher than those who have such experiences. ⑷There are no significant difference in the social anxiety on the genders, urban and rural areas and whether one-child.⑸ Both the attachment anxiety and avoidance is positively correlated with social anxiety, and there are significant differences in different attachments on social anxiety scores.
[Key words] Higher vocational college students; Adult attachment; Social anxiety