摘要:心理资本是指个体在成长和发展过程中表现出来的一种积极心理状态,是一种核心心理要素,是心理学和人力资源管理学理论与实践的结合点,按照高校人才培养模式的要求,这一理论的作用日益凸显。本文研究的是常州大学生心理资本的发展现状,以问卷的方法进行调查,并用SPSS 20.0软件对调查结果进一步分析。结果表明,男性学生与女性学生在自我效能和韧性这两个维度上存在显著差异,就业意向为国企的学生在希望和韧性方面表现强于其他就业意向的学生,经常锻炼身体的学生在自我效能上表现比较突出,在是否拿过奖学金和是否是学生干部等变量上并无显著差异。在本文的最后将分析差异成因及提升路径,并针对一些存在的问题提出自己的建议,希望为以后的研究做出一点贡献。
Abstract:Psychological capital refers to a positive state of mind that the individual manifested in the growth and development process. It is one of the core psychological factors and a combination of psychology and human resource management theory and practice. In accordance with the requirements of the university personnel training mode, this theory become increasingly significant. In this paper, I research the development status of the students' psychological capital in Changzhou with the method of questionnaire. Also I make use of SPSS 20.0 to analyze the survey results. The results show that male students and female students are different on dimensions of self-efficacy and toughness. Students' employment intentions for state-owned enterprises are stronger than those students of other employment intentions in hope and toughness. Additionally, students who take exercise frequently are more prominent in the self-efficacy, but have no significantly differences on the variables of whether they have won a scholarship or the students that have been student leaders. At the end of this paper, I analyze the causes of the differences and the way to promoting. Apart from this, I put forward some suggestions contrary to problems existed, hoping to make some contributions to the future research.
Key words: Psychological capita; university students; career planning