关键词 出口商品结构;高新技术产品;带动效应;对策建议
Abstract:The structure of export commodities with an overall efficiency of foreign trade of the countries and regions have a very close relationship can be improved by optimizing the structure of export commodities export efficiency, and promote the economic development of countries and regions. At present, China has become the world's second-largest trading exporting countries at the same time as the coastal city of Tianjin, the level and field to participate in the international division of labor has also been continuously deepened, then how to optimize the structure of export commodities in Tianjin to promote the strategic transformation of Tianjin's exports, It is a major issue in the Tianjin Foreign Trade and research strategies. This paper focuses on the center to optimize the structure of export commodities, optimize the export structure theory, empirical analysis, through the Tianjin Foreign Trade and Tianjin high-tech products export data Tianjin export commodity structure changes. Explore the problems and causes of the export of high-tech products in Tianjin, optimize the structure of export commodities driven effect on this basis of the development of high-tech products in Tianjin, and finally puts forward suggestions to optimize the structure of export commodities in Tianjin.
Keywords The structure of export commodities High-tech products Driving effect