摘要:外商直接投资是我国对外开放政策的要求,外商直接投资不仅给我国经济上带来好处,也带来很多的负面影响,所以要对外商直接投资对我国经济带来的各种影响进行分析。中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,我国引进外国直接投资所带来的技术溢出效应、资本供给效应促进了产业结构的升级与发展; 然而,受当前引资结构和质量的影响, 外国直接投资加强了我国三次产业结构发展的不均衡, 并且外国直接投资导致的国际知识溢出对我国产业升级和结构优化的作用也有限。 在此基础上, 本文对我国引进外资和调整产业结构的战略提出了相关的政策建议。
Abstract: Foreign direct investment requirements of China's opening up policy, foreign direct investment not only benefits to our economy, it also brings a lot of the negative impact, so the foreign direct investment on China's economy to analyze the impact. China is the world's largest developing country, China introduced foreign direct investment, technology spillovers, capital supply effect to promote the upgrading of industrial structure and development; However, the current investment structure and quality of foreign direct investment to strengthen China's three industrial structure, uneven development, and foreign direct investment resulting from the international knowledge spillover is limited to the role of China's industrial upgrading and structural optimization. On this basis, China to attract foreign investment and adjust the industrial structure of the strategic relevant policy recommendations.
Keywords: foreign direct investment; industrial structure; knowledge spillover